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Live 4 BO.

Live For Better Opportunities.



Better Opportunities Inc (BO) believes uniting the community will help us all prevail. BO believes in helping our neighbors and raising our standards for a better future. To guide our movement, we have developed an Essential Life Quadrant (shown below) that focuses on four equally important aspects of life.

Liberating Life

The first section of the quadrant is ‘Liberating Life’ which understands the need for release and enforces creative self expression. BO will provide the equipment necessary to assist constructive release in the form of dance, music, writing, and visual art. These artistic productions will be publicly displayed through various events as a method to unite communities. Events will cover Music, Dance, Writing and Visual Art with: Open Mics, Competitions, Performances, Local Artist interviews and Event Information, and Featured Pieces.


"Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance."


4 the Love of Money:

The second quarter is ‘4 the Love of Money’; it covers everything pertaining to personal finance management and responsibility in a Financial Education Workshop. This workshop ensures members of BO will be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the financial world through hands-on and critical thinking exercises.  

This quarter of the Essential Life Quadrant will cover the following topics:

Need To Know:

     Rights, Responsibilities, & Terminology

Making Money Work:

     Banking, Budgeting, & Investments

Understanding Credit:

     Score, Cards, & Loans

Understanding Purchases:

     Buying, Financing, & Leasing


"Many people are in the dark when it comes to money, and I'm going to turn the lights on."

~Suze Orman

'Bout My Business:
Preparation & Guidance

The third quarter ‘Bout My Business’ is a Workforce Preparation workshop; similar to the Financial Education Workshop based on career training and development. Members of BO who have completed the Life Improvement & Readiness Program will be able to obtain hands-on experience through a range of positions within the organization.

This section presents information on:

The Basics:

     Work Ethics, Time Management, & First Impressions

The Skills:

     Training & Development

The Practice:

     Public Speaking, Teamwork, & Leadership

and The Guidance:

     Entrepreneurial & Educational.


"Education is the passport to the future,

for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." 


Omniscient Community:
Community Enhancement

The last quarter is an effort to develop an ‘Omniscient Urban Society’ by creating awareness on several issues important to urban communities. This section will promote the power of knowledge by sharing information on a variety of topics to as many members of the community as possible. Public events and fundraisers will be a major component of this section in order to enhance the sense of community. Neighborhood interaction is important to influence the qualities and standards of the subsequent generations. Through entertainment and educational affairs, this segment encourages social responsibility.The last quarter of the Essential Life Quadrant is an effort to develop an ‘Omniscient Urban Society’ by creating awareness on several issues important to urban communities, such as: The Effects & Statistics of Violence, Political Awareness & Understanding, General Health, Sex, and Family Education, and The Importance of Community. 


“Rich people have small TVs and big libraries,

and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.

Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem.

We all have twenty-four hour days.

You are what you are and where you are

because of what has gone into your mind.

You can change what you are and where you are

by changing what goes into your mind.

Success and happiness are not matters of chance but choice.

The major difference between the big shot and the little shot is

the big shot is just a little shot who kept on shooting.”



Donate $20 to the Live4BO Campaign

All donations will go towards funding community events and various activities that foster self expression, creativity, and individuality. Your contribution will provide art supplies, studio time, computers & software, and more.

Donate with PayPal

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. ~BEN FRANKLIN

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